Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Exelency to all of the juries,
Honorable to all of the teachers,
Dear happy brothers and sisters.

Standing in front of you all I would like to tell you about the story.
Do you want to listen it? Ok!!!
My story is about Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan. (Listen)

Once upon a time lived a handsome and diligent young man. Named Jaka Tarub.
He lived alone in the forest. One day, when Jaka Tarub passed the lake, he heard some jingles and laugh of the fairiesf from the heavenly of Kahyangan.
Jaka Tarub saw a scarf near the bushes. It belonged to one of the fairies.
Jaka Tarub then took it and hid it.

Crack accidently ! Jaka Tarub step on a twig.
A   :    “There someone! There someone!”
A   :    “Let’s get back! Let’s get back! Hurry..Hurry!” (She said)
They pulled over and wore their scarf!
W :    “Where is my scarf? Where is my scarf? My sisters help me! Help me!”
One of the fairies could’nt find her scarf.  She was the youngest fairies called Nawang Wulan.
A   :    “We’re sorry Wulan. We have to go back to Kahyangan”
A   :    “You’ll have to find it by yourself” -> Sorry Wulan I have to go Kahyangan.
Nawang Wulan saw the leaving in tears.
Suddenly …
J    :    “Excuse me!” (said Jaka Tarub starting Nawang Wulan)
          “Are you okay? Are you alright?” (He asked)
Nawang Wulan moved backward.
W :    “Who are you? Who are you?”
J    :    “My name is Jaka Tarub. I was passing by and I heard you crying. So, I come to see what happen “ (Jaka Tarub lied)
Nawang Wulan told him about her problems.
W :    “My scarf lost, my scarf lost, I try to (search) it. But I can’t to find it.
“Oh.. can, can you help me?” (Then Jaka Tarub asked Nawang Wulan to come home with him)
A month passed Jaka Tarub ask Nawang Wulan to marry him.
 Nawang Wulan was willing to marry with Jaka Tarub.
After a year, they had beautiful daughter, they named her Kumalasari.

One day.....................
W :    “Jaka, I want to go to the river. I want to wash some clothes. I’m cooking rice now. Please don’t open the pan before it’s done. Remember it” (Said Nawang Wulan)
After Nawang Wulan left, he curiosly opened the pan cover.
J    :    “Oh my God. One single paddy? How come?”
Before lunch, Nawang Wulan came home. Then she went to the kitchen to see the rice she had cooked.
She found that the rice turned only on few grains.
W :    “Did you open the pan cover?”
J    :    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I was curious” (Jaka Tarub said)
Ever since, Nawang Wulan had lost her power. She has to grain their paddy. And, one day, Nawang Wulan went to the barn to get some paddy.
W :    “What is it? Oh..oh.. this is my scarf!”
And that night, Nawang Wulan said to her husband.
W :    “Because I’ve found my scarf, it’s time for me to go backwhere I belong!”
          “Please take care of Kumalasari. And Jaka, I must go now!”
Jaka Tarub tried to stop her, but he can’t. Finally, Nawang Wulan flew to bright full moon.

Ok! That’s all of my story.

From the story we can learn,
“Don’t lie if you don’t want to have some problems”
Thank you very much for your attention.

The last I say,
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


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