Choose the correct answer !
The text is for number 1 to 4.
The Farmer and The Beet
Once upon a time, a farmer planted a beet. The beet grew and grew.
One day the farmer pulled on the beet, but the beet did not come up. “Horse, please help me pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner.” Said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help you,” said the horse. But the beet did not come up.
Then the farmer went to the cow. “Dear cow, please help me pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner, “said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help, “said the cow. But the beet did not come up. So the farmer went to a goat. “my lovely goat, please help me pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner.” Said the farmer. “Sure, I’ll help”. Said the goat. But the beet did not come up.
Next the farmer went to the cat. “Oh my dear cat, please help me, pull up this beet. I want to eat it for dinner,” said the farmer. “Sure, I help, “said the cat. But again the beet did not come up. So the farmer went to the mouse. “Lovely mouse, please help me pull up this beet,” said the farmer. “Sure I’ll help,” said the mouse. So the mouse pulled on the cat. The cat pulled on the goat, and the goat pulled on the cow. The cow pulled on horse. The horse pulled on the farmer, and the farmer pulled on the beet. And the beet came up ! “thank you, horse. Thank you cow. Thank you, goat. Thank you, cat. And thank you, mouse !” said the farmer. “Now we can all eat dinner.” And they did.

1.       What is the type of the text above ?
A.      Narrative                                                                 C. Recount
B.      Descriptive                                                             D. Procedure
2.       What is the purpose of the text ?
A.      To retell past events                                                 C. To entertain the reader
B.      To report something                                                 D. To describe a particular place
3.       How many animals did the farmer ask for help ?
A.      Three                                                                        C. Five
B.      Four                                                                           D. Six
4.       The story teaches us that a difficult job can become easy when it is done….
A.      slowly                                                                       C. together
B.      quickly                                                                      D. with no help
5.       Mother        :  Ira, I heard you will make a dress, …. the cloth ?
Ira                   :  Sorry, mom. Not yet I can not find the scissors.
A.      do you cut                                                               C. have you cut
B.      did you cut                                                              D. are you cutting
6.       Rahma will buy a skirt tomorrow.
We can also say that….
A.      Rahma are going to buy a skirt tomorrow.
B.      Rahma is going to buy a skirt tomorrow.
C.      Rahma are not going to buy a skirt tomorrow.
D.      Rahma is not going to buy a skirt tomorrow.
7.       Puput            :  Would you….me a bottle of ink, please ?
Danang         :  I am sorry, I am very busy right now.
A.      buy                                                                           C. buying
B.      to buy                                                                       D. bought
8.       All of the students…..the picnic tomorrow.
A.      will follow                                                                C. have followed
B.      has followed                                                              D. are following
9.       The farmers look tired…..they have worked hard in the garden all day long.
A.      and                                                                            C. also
B.      but                                                                             D. because
The text for number 10 to 12.
Doctor          :  Good morning. What can I do for you ?
Yudi               :  I feel unwell.
Doctor          :  What’s your trouble ?
Yudi               :  I have a cough and headache.
Doctor          :  Please lie down. I’ll examine you.
Yudi               :  What’s the matter with me doctor ?
Doctor          :  You have throat infection. I’ll write prescription for you.
                           Tomorrow you should stay in bed.
Yudi               :  Alright doctor.
10.   What the matter with Yudi ?
A.      He has a cough                                                      C. He has throat infection
B.      He has a headache                                                 D. He has a prescription
11.   How does Yudi feel ?
A.      He feels well                                                         C. He feels cold
B.      He feels unwell                                                     D. He feels hot
12.   Where does Yudi go to examine his health ?
A.      To the dentist                                                        C. To the surgeon
B.      To the doctor                                                         D. To the midwife
13.   Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
1.       We enjoyed the show well.
2.       The show began at 7 o’clock.
3.       It was Sunday yesterday.
4.       It last for three hours.
5.       My family went to music show.
6.       We left the house at 6 o’clock.
A.      5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 6                                               C. 5 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 4
B.      5 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 4                                               D. 3 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 4
Read this message
Dina, there will be an English
Conversation test tomorrow.
Don’t forget to study.
Good luck.
14.   Based on the message, the sender expects that….
A.      Arman gives information to Dina.
B.      Dina forget to study English.
C.      They will get success in English.
D.      Dina will study English conversation.
15.   Mr. Jonathan             :  Excuse me, …..?
Siska                              :  Yes, of course. What can I do for you ?
Mr. Jonathan             :  Where is the Barata Hotel?
Siska                              :  Go straight about 200 m. It is on the right side.
A.      Can you help me                                                   C. What can I do for you
B.      Can I help you                                                       D. Thank for you kindness
16.   Beni               :  ….a drugstore along this road ?
Randi             : No, there isn’t.
A.      Was there                                                               C. Were there
B.      Is there                                                                    D. Are there
The text is for number 17 to 20.
I had never thought of climbing mount Kerinci. I hesitated when friends of mine asked me to join them on a one night camping and mountaineering activity. Frankly, I had never done this type of  challenging activity before. I could not really refuse because I had a lot of spare time in my semester holidays. I went there with five of my friends – Antok, Rio, Angga, Danang and Indra.
We started to walk upwards thought the bushes first and then into the real jungle. As we moved, on we heard wild animal noises and we saw monkeys jumping from branch to another. Judging from the plants, we were sure that we were in a rainforest area.
At midday, we came to the peak of the mountain and saw the large crater. There was a white flag there to remind visitors of dangers. We took our photos and then began to rush down the mountain.

17.   When did the writer find the mountain so beautiful ?
A.      at night                                                                 C. in the morning
B.      at midday                                                             D. in the afternoon
18.   How many characters are there in text above ?
A.      Three                                                                    C. Five
B.      Four                                                                      D. Six
19.   There was a white flag there to remind visitor of dangers (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to ….
A.      Kerinci Mountain                                                 C. Merapi Mountain
B.      Semeru Mountain                                                 D. Kelud Mountain
20.   What is the most suitable title for the text above ?
A.      Climbing mountain is danger activities
B.      My first experience in climbing a mountain
C.      My hesitating time on holiday
D.      Camping on the mountain is exciting
21.   Mr. Kolis      : I’d like the number of Mr. Safi’i.
Hasan            : ….
A.      Yes, thanks                                                             C. Ok, here it is
B.      No, you have wrong number                                  D. Sorry I don’t like it
22.   Mrs. Retno                 : See you tomorrow and thanks for the calling.
Mrs. Sinta                    :  …..
A.      Hello                                                                        C. Yes we do
B.      Is that all                                                                  D. See you tomorrow
23.   Ulfa                :  I can’t hear you perfect well.
                           Can I call you back ?
Novi               :  ….
A.      Yes, I’ll put you through.
B.      Sure or you can call another line.
C.      Hang up and I’ll call you back.
D.      I’m afraid you seem to have the wrong number.
24.   Lina                :  What do you think about my hand phone ?
Uma              :  ….it looks very expensive.
A.      I know                                                                      C. It’s easy
B.      I think                                                                       D. I think it’s a good idea
25.   Yuni               :  Mom, is an ostrich a bird ?
Mother        :  Yes, it is.
Yuni               :  It can’t fly, can it?
Mother        :  No, it can’t. Most bird can fly … an ostrich can’t.
A.      or                                                                              C. and
B.      but                                                                             D. because
26.   Wawan         :  What about swimming in Popoh Beach next week ?
Krisna            :  That’s not a good idea. The wave is 8 meters high.
Wawan         :  Oh, really ?
Krisna            :  Yes, really.
The underlined words express ….
A.      possibility                                                               C. disagreement
B.      impossibility                                                           D. agreement
27.   Riska              : Some teachers say that Sinta is a clever student.
Halimah        : … she is a clever student she always gets good mark for every subject.
A.      I don’t agree                                                           C. I agree with you
B.      I am not sure                                                           D. I disagree with you
28.   Agus              :  Excuse me. Do you know where Mr. Sumito’s house is ?
Bambang     : ….
A.      Which one
B.      You’re welcome
C.      Oh, I see. Thank you
D.      Of course. It is in front of the fruit stall
Read the short message.
Aunt Norma and uncle Frank are in this town for weekend. Please call them at 081359393877.
29.   Why does the writer write the message ?
A.      To call her uncle and aunt
B.      To tell phone number of her son
C.      To ask her son to call his uncle and aunt
D.      To spend the weekend with aunt Norma
30.   When do people write such the above text ?
A.      When they want to give short information.
B.      When they need phone number list.
C.      When they don’t have telephone number.
D.      When they need complete information.
The text is for number 31 to 34.
Orville Wright
Orville Wright was a co-inventor of the airplane and the first person to fly a powered machine. Born on August 19th, 1871 in Dayton, Ohio, Orville and his brother, Wilbur, were very interested in flying.
In 1900, they constructed a glider that could carry a pilot. In the following year, they constructed a wind tunnel and tested about 200 wing designs.
On December 17th, 1903, Orville became the first person to fly a powered aircraft. He stayed on the air for 12 seconds at Kill Devil Hills near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. This experiment cost a lot of money, but he never gave up. He designed and sold bicycles for a living.
In 1905, Wright brothers offered the airplane to the US War Department, but it was declined. Nevertheless, they obtained a patent for the airplane in 1906.
In 1908, Orville and Wilbur completed the first airplane for the US Army; but it crashed. A year later, however, an identical craft was tested and accepted. In the same year, Wright brother established the Wrights Company to manufacture airplanes.
After struggling for a long time to make his dream and many people’s dream to fly come true, Orville Wright finally gained success. On January 30th, 1948, he died in peace.
31.   When did Orville construct a glider that could carry a pilot ?
A.      In 1871                                                                      C. In 1901
B.      In 1900                                                                      D. In 1902
32.   Orville got money for his experiment by…
A.      asking some money from the US Army
B.      designing and selling bicycles
C.      selling the aircraft wings
D.      selling fruit
33.   When did they establish the Wrights Company ?
A.      1909                                                                        C. 1906
B.      1948                                                                        D. 1908
34.    “….. to manufacture airplanes.” (paragraph 5)
The underlined word has the similar meaning to…
A.      complete                                                                 C. produce
B.      accept                                                                      D. establish
35.   Ahmad was going to the bookstore when the rain …
A.      fall                                                                           C. was falling
B.      fell                                                                           D. were falling
36.   When I waited a public transportation, I …. him.
A.      meet                                                                         C. were meeting
B.      was meeting                                                            D. have met
37.   Samsul … a radio when the telephone rang.
A.      listen                                                                       C. was listening
B.      listened                                                                    D. were listening
38.   My father sold his Mazda … he loved it so much.
A.      but                                                                           C. or
B.      while                                                                       D. because
39.   Attention
Due to renovation, our library will be closed until futher notice. We are sorry for the inconveniences.
What is the kind of the text above ?
A.      Announcement                                                       C. Notice
B.      Advertisement                                                        D. Label
40.   Why is the library closed ?
A.      Because no student comes to the library.
B.      Because the library needs more books.
C.      Because the library needs a new librarian.
D.      Because the library is being renovated.
41.   All of the students … the picnic tomorrow.
A.      will follow                                                             C. have followed
B.      has followed                                                          D. are following
42.   Complete the announcement
A yellow canary flew a way from its ….
It is my son’s pet. Please contact 081552398701
Prize for returning.
A.      cage                                                                           C. hutch
B.      coop                                                                          D. kennel
43.   Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
1.       Hello this is Nova. Is that you, Reihan.
2.       Hello
3.       Yes, I do. Wait a second.
Er….It’s 6718417
4.       Alright, thanks for your information.
Anyway, I’ll hang up now. Bye.
5.       Listen, I need your help. I want to know Zakiah’s phone number. Do you have it ?
6.       Yes, it’s me. What’s up ?
7.       Bye.
A.      2 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 4 – 5 – 6                                        C. 2 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 6
B.      2 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 7                                        D. 2 – 1 – 6 – 7 – 3 – 4 – 5
44.   Maya             :  Well, what do you think of this blouse ?
                                   I made it my self.
        Wulan           :  ….you really have a talent to be a good tailor.
A.      It’s too bad                                                             C. I’d love to
B.      I don’t like it                                                           D. It doesn’t matter
The text is for number 45 -47.
Fikri               : In my opinion, teachers should not give their students to much homework.
Dina               : (45) .... We need time to have fun.
Fikri               : What about you Rahma ? (46) ....
Rahma          : Well, (47) ... I think a student needs to do lots of practice at home because makes perfect.
                           So, I don’t mind having homework.     
45.   A.  You are right                                                        C. You are wrong
B.      I don’t agree                                                        D. I don’t think so
46.   A.  Do you know about it                                          C. Do you agree with me
B.  Don’t you want to go                                           D. Do you make it easy
47.   A.  you are one hundred percent right.                      C. that’s what you want.
B.      you make me happy to know it                            D. that’s not true.
48.   Tini :  What were you doing when the telephone rang yesterday ?
Mia                :  I was … a bath when the telephone rang.
A.      take                                                                       C. talked
B.      took                                                                       D. taking
The text is for number 49 – 50.
It was still early in the morning, when we (49) … at Selorejo. It was a wonderful lake. We used a motorboat (50) … the lake to a quiet place where we spend some time fishing.
49.   A.  arrive                                                                     C. will arrive
B.      arrived                                                                  D. are arriving
50.   A.  to cross                                                                  C. is crossing
B.      has crossed                                                            D. will cross
51.   Andri will… Surabaya zoo tomorrow.
A.      go                                                                         C. goes
B.went                                                                         D. going
52.   We are going to….a new bike next week.
A.    buy                                                                       C. bought
B.    buys                                                                      D. buying
53.   Tina and Ali are going to visit their uncle….
A.    now                                                                      C. last month
B.    today                                                                    D. tomorrow
54.   Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph.
1.       I was in the departure room for an hour to wait the plane.
2.       Last week I went to Jakarta by plane.
3.       The plane took off at nine.
4.       It was my first experience on aeroplane so I felt afraid.
5.       I didn’t think that the plane landed soon.
6.       When the stewardess gave me some information I felt calm.

A.    2 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 1 – 5                                           C. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 5
B.    2 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 6                                           D. 2 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 5
55.   Arrange the sentences into a good dialogue.
1.  Receptionist         :  Single room or double room ?
2.  Receptionist         :  Can I help you ?
3.  Receptions            :  When will you check in ?
4.  Quest                      :  I need a room.
5.  Quest                      :  I want to check in tomorrow.
6.  Quest                      :  Double room, please.
  1. 2 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 4                                           C. 1 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 5
  2. 2 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 5                                           D. 3 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 4
56.   Andi                    : Can I borrow your English book ?
Taufik                 : … I am using it now.
A.        I’m sure                                                            C. I’m fine
B.         I’m sorry                                                           D. I’m alright
Read this text for number 57 to 59
For all the OSIS committees.
Meeting will be conducted in Mei 2nd 2012.
Place                             :  OSIS Office
Time                              :  3 p.m.
Topic                             :  Report and Evaluation on our programs 2012
The head of OSIS
57.   What time is the meeting ?
A.    at three in the afternoon                             C. at four in the afternoon
B.    at three in the morning                               D. April 2nd 2012
58.   “Meeting will be conducted …..”
Word has the closest meaning…..
A.    handling                                                     C. handled
B.    handles                                                       D. handle
59.   “Report and Evaluation on our program….”
The word “our” refers to….
A.    Student                                                       C. Teacher
B.    OSIS                                                           D. Head of OSIS
60.   Mrs. Aminah      :  What are you doing, Nana ?
Nana                   :  I’m watching Television, mam.
Mrs. Aminah       :  ….some eggs for me ?

  1. Can you make                                                C. Would you mind
  2. Would you like                                              D. Would you buy


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